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Head Instructor

Jimmy Georgiou

My first ever encounter of Wing Chun was in 1990, I attended a small school in Hoddesdon. Wing Chun fascinated me at such a young age, especially watching Chi Sao (Sticking hands). Unfortunately the school only lasted 6 weeks and moved into North London, so therefore was unable to train so my Wing Chun journey came to a Holt.


In 1991 I started training Freestyle Karate which was a British Syllabus put together by Nick Lowe (Chief Instructor).  I trained in this style until I reached my black belt and stopped training in 2001 as I wanted to focus on my Wing Chun.

In 1996 I found another Wing Chun School based in Edmonton, known as Delta Wing Chun which I attended twice a week for 4 years.  We covered many combat drills and exercises but was still urging to learn sticking hands which unfortunately I did not get from them.


In 2001 a friend mentioned a new school opening in Harlow, Essex which was teaching Wing Chun Kung Fu, so I started to attend on Sundays. Sifu Lemmi Man one of Nino Bernardo students a very skilful individual, also a black belt in Karate.  I trained with an excellent group of individuals that excelled my Wing Chun training, we explored, discussed even argued at times. 


My home at the time was an open house for me and my Kung Fu brothers we trained in excess of 10 hours a week; this gave us a steady incline of skill through practise of Chi Sao.  The School in Harlow eventually closed, but I still trained with Lemmi and a small selected group.  I completed the system with Nino Bernardo getting the end of the Wooden Dummy, The Long Pole and the Butterfly Knives in the Summer of 2010 in Ibiza.


Wing Chun will always be my main system as the love for it has stuck with me for many years, always learning, always developing and always being open minded.


I never dismiss any other martial arts as they all have their benefits, currently studying and teaching Gracie Jiu Jitsu (Cronus BJJ) and Kali/Doce Pare.


Fancy taking the Wing Chun journey? Don't hesitate to contact me and start training...07958 458 457

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Nino Bernardo

Nino Bernardo, a musician and actor by trade, was one of a handful of students to learn the whole system of Wing Chun from legendary martial artist Wong Shun Leung in Hong Kong in the 1970s.


In 1984, Nino set up an infamous word-of-mouth kung fu school in London called the Basement, where he developed a reputation as one of Europe's most skilful and influential Wing Chun teachers. He was also Wong Shun Leung's senior UK representative until the untimely death of his teacher in 1997.


Nino has lived in Ibiza since 2000, where he has set up Europe's first alternative kung fu school. His emphasis in recent years has been on the importance of learning Wing Chun for health and personal development.


Master Wong Shun Leung - “Self-defence is only an illusion, a dark cloak beneath which lurks a razor sharp dagger waiting to be plunged into the first unwary victim. Whoever declares that any weapon today whether it be a nuclear missile or a .33 special is created for self-defence should look a little more closely in the mirror.


Either he is a liar or he is deceiving himself. Wing Chun kung fu is a very sophisticated weapon, nothing else. It is a science of combat, the intent of which is the total incapacitation of an opponent. It is straightforward, efficient and deadly. If you're looking to learn self-defence don't study Wing Chun. It would be better for you to master the art of invisibility”…


Nino philosophy around Wing Chun is very different from many Masters out there. He says that Wing Chun studied mindfully out weighs the benefits of it just being a combative system it is much more.


Nino is an intelligent man speaking over 8 languages, skateboards, uni cycles, carves, plays musical instruments, sings, jokes and most of all is a Master  if not a Grand Master in the system of Wing Chun; however never wants to be referred to as one.




Wing Chun is a system that methodically puts the practitioner through a process that will convert him into a precision tool without ego and any other emotion. This tool within the system will serve the practitioner in Chi Sao, a drill exercise deemed to be the core of the Wing Chun System.


"Nino Bernardo - 2011"


Wong Sheun Leung

Wong Sheung Leung was a Hong Kong martial artist from Hong Kong who studied Wing Chun Kung Fu under Ip Man and was credited with training Bruce Lee.   In interviews, Wong claimed to have won at least 60, and perhaps over 100, street fights against martial artists of various styles, though these numbers cannot be independently confirmed.  Due to his reputation, his students and admirers referred to him as 'Gong Sau Wong' or 'King of Talking Hands').  Wong recorded one instructional film entitled Wing Chun: The science of in-fighting.


Interesting Fact - Wong received an invitation to appear in Game of Death, but declined. He was scheduled to attend a screen test on the set of Enter the Dragon after Bruce Lee had finished shooting the film and was working on dubbing. Lee returned to Hong Kong from his last trip to the United States of America in late May 1973. 


Wong would have attended the screen test sometime in June 1973. Wong recalled, "About two months before he (Bruce Lee) died he gave me a phone call ... After this he left Hong Kong to settle his film business. When he came back, he called me up and wanted me to participate in the making of Game of Death.


He had also invited me to the studio to attend a screen test. I did not promise to act in the film, yet I still went to attend the screen test to please him."In a 1986 interview, Wong said, "I told him (Bruce Lee) that I didn't want to go and die in my first movie! ... I wasn't in dire financial straits at the time, so I didn't have to do the film (just) to make money."The role of Lee's final opponent was thus played by basketball star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. In another interview, Wong said, "It was for Game of Death, but I declined because I thought that the moves of Wing Chun style wouldn’t look good on film. I think the Wing Chun method is ugly for movies but very good and very logical for real fighting." (Ref -








8.00pm - 9.30pm









EN11 0LB

Tel: 07958 458457

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